Goodbye Darkness

3 min readMar 10, 2020

The holidays are busy, stressful, memory making time. Times like this are where bipolars flourish. But what about the quiet times after the holidays? Those days can be dark and empty. While others welcome the rest, some find the extra time almost unbearable. The energy bipolars had now has nothing to focus on. It goes inward. The mind has gives time to feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness and haunting memories buried deep inside come into focus.

The ups and downs most people experience are like a pendulum on grandfather clock. For bipolars, the pendulum gets stuck on one side or the other. When the pendulum breaks free, it swings wildly trying to find its rhythm again. Medication helps but as with other illnesses, being proactive is key to wellness. These gentle suggestions can help keep your pendulum swinging in its normal rhythm.

Get Your Body Moving

Go for a jog, play a game of basketball, dance in the living room. Get up and get that body moving and grooving to the beat of your favorite jams. Moving your body keeps it healthy and releases endorphins that brings on positive feelings. Grab your workout outfit that’s been in the back of your closet and get your groove on!

Keep Your Mind Engaged

Whether it’s a crossword puzzle, arts and crafts or reading a book, keep your mind engaged in something positively productive. The more busy your mind is the less time it has to roam around in the darkness. It’s a proven fact that we never stop learning. Google a country you want to know more about and rise to the challenge!

Awaken Your Senses

Turn on your diffuser and relaxing music while taking a bubble bath. Wrap yourself in a soft blanket, munch mindlessly on some popcorn while binge watching the newest comedy series (no horror stories please, It defeats the purpose). Positive relaxation while making use of your senses invigorates the soul and brings on a deeper, more positive sense of self. Turn your music up, light the incense and awaken your senses!

Show Yourself A Little Love

Love is experienced in different ways. In this case, we will use love notes. Write a positive quote, affirmation or mantra on your bathroom mirror with a marker or lipstick (test a small part of your mirror first). Place different quotes, affirmations or mantras on papers all over your house (Not your car. We want your eyes on the road). Get yourself a notebook and write a single love word in it everyday. This keeps positively in the front part of your mind. Get creative and bring on the love!

Be A Social Butterfly

When symptomatic, you tend to isolate yourself. Grab lunch with your bestie, take in a movie with your spouse, gather around a pool table with your friends. Being with people you care about can be an opportunity for laughter and love. Put on your bowling shoes and head out for a night of fun and fellowship!

Ask For Help

Call a friend, see your therapist, seek the counsel of your pastor. Sometimes the darkness seeps into your core. If none of these gentle suggestions work, TELL SOMEBODY!!! Sharing ideas with someone, getting advice and following careful instructions are better than giving into the darkness seeking your undivided attention. Silence is deadly and suffering unnecessary. You are worthy of a peaceful life!

I hope these suggestions help you turn away the darkness when it rears its ugly head. Remember that the darkness is temporary. Never, ever give up! No one walks this earth without leaving a mark. When you find yourself staring into the abyss, try these suggestions. They might bring you back from the darkness.

